Scientific evidence
A shocking health documentary which definitively puts an end to accusations of pseudo-science of Magnetism by health representatives in France
In 2014, Arnault Richart de Chicourt was at the origin of the discovery of the radiant electrical nature of the hands, demonstrating for the first time the healing mechanisms through the imposition of hands. This discovery was the subject of two deposits of patents at the Academy of Sciences, recognized as admissible in 2016 and 2018, This experiment was validated at the pharmacological level and the conclusions were publicized on TF1 and M6 in 2020,
They take up more and more space and now the French consider them. According to an Odexa survey published this Thursday, May 11, a large part of the population views alternative therapies favorably. According to the polling institute's survey, 57% of French people "consider that alternative therapies are, in general, at least as effective as conventional medicine." While 70% have a good image of it. A high rate, which however remains lower than that of conventional medicine, for which 84% of French people have a good image of it.
Another lesson from the study commissioned by Unadfi, the National Union of Associations for the Defense of Families and Individual Victims of Sects: the dynamic development of alternative therapies over the last five years. More than one in two French people consider themselves more willing to use it today than 5 years ago (54%). More than half also believe that alternative therapies compensate for problems in the health system, such as the difficulty in obtaining appointments with doctors (58%) and medical deserts (54%).
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